As you read further in this article, we will be sharing two methods to download Shareit for PC. As well as we will mention some of the top features of the application. And provide you a small guide about how to use SHAREit for PC. However, before that let’s just talk about the Shareit at first. So you can get a better idea about the whole topic. Let’s just head into the topic without wasting much of the time. SHAREit is a file-sharing app, which is capable of sharing files between two devices in just a matter of seconds. With this application, you will easily be able to send files to another device easily. Recommended Read: Download Hotstar for PC Windows 10/7/8 Laptop.

Download SHAREit for PC

How to Download SHAREit for PC/Laptop from Official Website

That is it. These are all the steps that you have to follow in order to download SHAREit for pc. Now let’s move to the next section where we will be discussing how to install Shareit on Mac. So here we go:

1 Download SHAREit for PC1.1 How to Download SHAREit for PC/Laptop from Official Website1.2 How to Download Shareit for Mac1.3 How to use SHAREit on PC1.4 Top Features of SHAREit1.4.1 SHAREit Pros1.4.2 SHAREit Cons1.5 F.A.Qs1.5.1 Conclusion

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How to Download Shareit for Mac

At first, go to the official website of SHAREit.On the homepage itself, you will get to see a Mac button. Click on that, and the download process will start.Once the file is downloaded, double click on it.Then accept the license agreement and follow all the screen instructions. That is it, and now you are all set to use SHAREit on your Mac computer.

So these were the steps to download SHAREit for pc and a short installation guide. Now let’s move to the next question which says “How to use Shareit for PC?”. Well just in case if you have the same question in your head. Then read on:

How to use SHAREit on PC

At first launch the application on your PC or Mac computer.Now when you open the application, Shareit automatically starts looking for a SHAREit connection. So if you have SHAREit installed on your smartphone then open it.Then from your smartphone app select between Send or Receive. Once you choose one of the options, the app will create a connection.Now from your desktop app look for any upcoming connection, if there is any select it. Now both of the devices are connected to each other, so simply select the files that you want to send or receive.

So that is all you have to do in order to use SHAREit for PC. Now before you leave the page, here are some of the top features of the application.

Top Features of SHAREit

First of all, SHAREit is a free to use application.Shareit is capable of creating a direct connection between two computers over a wireless connection. So you can send files from a computer to another one without setting up a LAN connection.SHAREit is a multiplatform tool. Hence, as a result, you will be able to connect a computer to an android, iPhone, or windows phone. Or connect your Windows computer to a Mac.The transfer speed of Shareit is quite fast compared to a LAN or Bluetooth connection.The application does not only allow you to send files such as Video, Audio, or Images. But using this tool, you can share almost every file type including .exe, .msi, and other file formats.

However, to make you understand better about SHAREit for pc. Here are some pros of the application that we thought should mention. Also, a few cons that cannot be ignored. So here we go:



Apart from the file-sharing procedure, it also provides built-in music and video playback option, allowing any team to whom you send or receive a file to play it immediately from the SHAREit app. It is one of the greatest file sharing platforms available for an everyday user, with faster file transfer technologies and faster file transfer speeds while maintaining file quality and protecting private content making it great for heavy files and huge files.  SHAREit is a file-sharing tool that allows you to transfer data between two devices in a couple of seconds. You will be able to send files to another device with ease with this programme. From your file manager, you can transfer files such as audio files, large files, and original file quality. That was all there was to SHAREit for PC. So go ahead and download the software, but make sure you’re not downloading SHAREit for PC from a third-party website. ShareIt can now be utilised on both your phone and your computer. You can exchange large files with file sizes in GBs because there is no size limit, and everything will be done in no time thanks to the lightning-fast file transfer process. Drag-and-drop files are simple to operate, and file transfers are completed in seconds. Distance between the paired devices makes a huge impact on the file transfer rates. SHAREit file transfer technology simplifies the once exhausting file-transfer process. You have choices on the sort of file you want to transfer, but a simple tap will start the process. You can upgrade to premium for additional features. One of the best major file-sharing platforms out there. Use this for SHAREit is available for free for Android, iOS, Windows, and Mac for painless cross platform file support.

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